Low Fat Drinking Dairy Snack
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Low Fat Drinking Dairy Snack

If you’re looking for a snack but in the mood for a drink, our drinking yoghurt is just for you! This all- round perfect on-the-go snack is available in four delicious flavours: Strawberry, Granadilla, Peach, and Caramel Fudge. All our drinking dairy snacks come with the First Choice High Quality Promise and is packed with the nutritional benefits of dairy.

Quick Facts

Dairy keeps you full for longer.
Our bottle can easily be resealed if you want to keep some for later.
Great to add to smoothies.

Low Fat Drinking Dairy Snack

Nutritional Information

Drinking Dairy Snack - Caramel Flavour


Drinking Dairy Snack - Granadilla Flavour


Drinking Dairy Snack - Peach Flavour


Drinking Dairy Snack - Strawberry Flavour


FAQ about First Choice Dairy Snacks

These answers are applicable to all products in the First Choice Dairy Snack Range. (smooth, fruited, drinking and double cream).